Friday, November 20, 2009

Letting go. The lightness from letting go frees mind body and spirit to move forward.

The lightness from letting go frees mind body and spirit to move forward. Thank you Renee Miller for sharing this article.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sense of Smell Hijacked

As aromatherapists, we often hear a client remark that they are allergic to something, say for example, lavender. Oftentimes, what the client is really referring to is an intolerance that has built up over the years from smelling or being exposed to synthetic fragrance, and so that when they are finally exposed to the pure essential oil or natural smell of lavender, for example, their hijacked sense of smell reacts negatively. It can take some time to adjust to natural smells again. This is not to be confused with truly medically diagnosed allergies to substances such as pure lavender. We suggest seeking medical attention whenever there is a concern regarding allergies.